Saturday, June 26, 2010


For all who don't me, it is important to note that I prefer to do all my writings on my phone. (this accounts for some of my overlooked grammatical errors.) For some reason I find it to be more intimate than any other medium available to me. I feel this intimacy stems from the fact that my phone is always with me and can go virtually anywhere. I can even write upside down it I have some odd desireto write with my mind inverted. I go for days with out touching pen or pencil and the same can be said for computer keyboards. These mediums have a tendency to become foriegn to my hands but thanks to constant texting and tweeting withmy phone my fingers have become iPhone townies. You can view me as a hipster if you choose but in my eyes I am just one lucky enough to have found an artistic medium.

Ok so now with that off of my chest I can get into the thick of my thoughts. After reading a cooking blog written by a friend of mine (check it out if you like good food. I was wondering about recipies myself but not those of edible origins. I am pondering about the recipe of inspiration. You see inspiration isn't something that can be bottled. There is no elixer (known to me) that can fill you with pure unadulterated inspiration or some spicy chipotle rub that will get skipping with ideas. So what is it? What is it that makes us see the light of inspiration?

So after ponderments upon ponderments I realized that inspiration comes from certain combinations of emotions. --- Now before I go on I should let you know that everything I'm about to say wasn't discovered by me using the scientific method and can't be proven with expermitation --- Now as I look back through some of my poems I try and remember the emotions felt while writing and who or what stirred up those emotions. Who or what… who or what… who or what... Then it dawned on me that it's never one thing or one person. It's this constant pull in several directions. At least for me, writing is at it's best when there is some cognitive dissonance or better said, emotional dissonance. I dont think I could properly understand my thoughts if they were single track. Yes they would be simpler but they would lose a certain amount of their depth.

Due to the constant juxtapostion of contradicting thoughts and emotions each individual thought and emotion has to develop it's self exponentially to stand tall amongst it's brother and sister thoughts. Thoughts and emotion are in a constant battle to be number one in our minds and hearts. The battling is the start of headaches and what not. It is then when I get inspired to write and sort through these thoughts, riding myself of this dissonance.

My recipe for inspiration is simply emotional dissonance. Funny thing is inspiration comes about to help rid my mind emotional dissonace. Explains why I'm not inspired 24/7. So to the reader, thank you for taking to to read my ramble. If you are wondering what it is you should take from reading this, you should be thankful that we are not all that emotionally sound. I thank god every day for my imperfections and the imperfections of those close to me. It is these that make life perfect.

Jahshawn A. Marconi.

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