Saturday, June 19, 2010

This morning I woke up in my bed and realized that the reason I was happy to do so was because it was where my heart wanted to be at the moment. Happiness resides in the heart. Your heart will not radiate the happiness you want from it if it is not where it would like to be. This accounts for why stress is a leading cause of suicided. Stress takes the heart to a place where it does not want to be. So for those who just want be happy start by following you heart, follow it wherever it wants to go. Now I am not ignorant and i realize that sometimes it is impractical and often impossible to be where your hearts want s to be at all times but we need to create a safe space so that even when our world is crumbling apart we can take our heart to place it wants to be and we can be truly happy even if it is only for a moment. For me and at this moment i followed my heart the sound of my niece laughing. My heart has a knack of being right.

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